How to Be a Lyme Disease Advocate

It’s vital to keep spreading awareness and educating the public about Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses all year round.


As people spend more time outside enjoying the warmer weather, they are at heightened risk of getting a tick bite. And just one bite can infect them with Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, changing their life forever—and not for the better. May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, but just as ticks are active year-round, there are simple but meaningful ways that anyone can advocate for Lyme disease no matter what time of year it is.

1. Ask your state government to officially proclaim May as Lyme Disease Awareness Month.

One way to raise awareness of Lyme disease in your community is through a proclamation, which is often considered a newsworthy event. Check out the website of your state government for guidelines on making the request. Proclamations typically require several weeks to process, so you can always mark your calendar and plan ahead for next year.

2. Light up green for Lyme disease.

Buildings and public landmarks will often announce their intention to temporarily light up green to spread awareness of Lyme disease in advance. Plan to attend the lighting (which will usually occur in the evening, so the lights can be seen more easily); take pictures and video and share them on social media. If you would like a venue near you to participate, you can ask Project Lyme for our assistance or contact the venue directly. Allow at least a month to process the request.

3. Participate in the annual virtual Lyme Fly-In, sponsored by the Center for Lyme Action.

Every year, the Center for Lyme Action arranges meetings where Lyme advocates can speak directly with their elected representatives and their staff and request more federal funding for Lyme disease. These meetings are virtual to make them more accessible to everyone, and the CLA provides training videos to help participants know what to ask for and why. Learn more on the CLA website.

4. Set up a screening of a Lyme documentary, like The Quiet Epidemic or I’m Not Crazy, I’m Sick.

The best Lyme documentaries are both informative and emotional — and they are a great way to introduce someone to the dangers of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, particularly if you can combine a screening with a discussion afterward. Perhaps you want to invite a tick-borne disease expert, someone involved in the making of the film, or a Lyme advocate to share their knowledge and talk about their experiences. To put together a screening, you will need a venue (e.g., theater, school, or house of worship), a copy of the film, and a projector. You will also want to consider optimal screening times, whether or not you will offer refreshments, and whether you will sell tickets for a small fee or request donations at the door. You can reach a lot of people and spread awareness about Lyme and tick-borne diseases through the power of film.

5. Share the social media posts of your favorite Lyme advocate or nonprofit.

Social media connects the world and offers a major platform to educate others about the threat of Lyme disease and tick-borne infections. You never know who you could reach just by liking and sharing social posts from legitimate sources. For engaging and informative social content backed by scientific studies, connect with Project Lyme on Twitter, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Instagram, and TikTok.

6. Donate to Project Lyme or set up a fundraiser on Facebook.

Project Lyme is dedicated to eradicating the epidemic of tick-borne diseases. We do this by educating the public, funding meaningful research, advocating for solutions, and supporting the Lyme community. You can help support our important work by making a donation. You can also start a fundraiser on Facebook and invite family and friends to support your cause.

7. Shop and support.

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