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About the Event

Babesiosis is a fast-growing tick-borne disease. This event will address a variety of topics including the significance and prevalence of this tick-borne disease, the biology of Babesia, its clinical features, how to effectively diagnose, as well as reviewing treatment options.

About the Guests

Dr. Henry Lindner is a specialist who previously presented on Chronic Babesiosis at the 2021 ILADS Conference. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1984 and has worked privately in psychiatry, and endocrinology, as well as in general practice for the Air Force.

He was introduced to the disease when he had to remove two engorged ticks off of his 10-year-old daughter. After a delayed diagnosis and underprescribed prophylactic treatment, his daughter developed a chronic infection and has been physically and mentally disabled ever since.

Dr. Lindner’s personal experience with Babesia has led him to dedicate his life to education and treatment surrounding the still somewhat unknown infection. He is excited to present on the topic for Project Lyme’s community.

About the Sponsors

Project Lyme

Our mission is to eradicate the epidemic of tick-borne diseases through awareness and education, support of cutting-edge science, and advocacy for solutions to end the suffering. As a national Lyme disease non-profit, we aim to positively impact patients’ lives through our work.